No Wait Time!


To Y’all, With Love

Just like a tree, Woodchuck Delivery seeded as a small idea and has taken its sweet time to grow. We wanted to “deliver firewood better” – which evolved into “deliver firewood the best”. We have old school values, like having a human answer the phone, accurate wood volume measurements, saying “Yes ma’am” and “Yes sir.” However, we also take this old-world comfort and bring the standard into the 21st century.


We Harvest Sustainably

We only harvest dead standing trees. No clear cutting – no wood from large land clearing companies. That means firewood for your children’s children.

We Respect Our Roots

We’re family owned and operated and wouldn’t be where we are without the ties that bind us together. Family always comes first and it always will.

We Cherish Our Employees

We are blessed to have our wonderful team of employees. They are the backbone of our company, and have dedicated themselves to relentlessly serve the customer. If Woodchuck works for anyone, it is for them.

We Love Our Customers

Our customers are our biggest motivation. We’ve sat in your kitchens, shared stories and literally been given the coat off your back. Y’all are as obsessed with firewood as we are. It’s our privilege to be humble servants to our customers.

We Support Texas Lumberjacks

In a largely unregulated industry, it is not uncommon to find exploitative labor practices. Not at Woodchuck. We recognize the blood sweat and tears put into each cord of wood. By offering a living wage at every level of our company, we aim to provide rural Texans with a livelihood that will lift them out of poverty.